AP Edge Controller

Note: this integration remains in beta and may not be feature-complete or fully supported by AP or EveryPig at this time.

The AP EDGE Integration

EDGE® is a single platform that handles all control applications, including breeding, gestation, farrowing, nursery, and finishing. Its unique design makes EDGE the only controller on the market that can be configured to match your operation’s specific requirements and is flexible enough to be adapted to new or existing systems.

Learn More

When connected, EveryPig can automatically PULL the following data daily via an application programming interface (API) from an AP EDGE controller.

  • Barn/Room-Level Water Usage
  • Barn/Room-Level high/low temperatures

EveryPig automatically saves the data pulled from the AP EDGE controller to the EveryPig Digital Barn Sheets.

Setup Overview:

  1. Contact your AP EDGE sales representative and request the ability to share your controller data via API
  2. Contact EveryPig support to request access to the beta program

Contact support at support@everypig.com

Paul Thornhill

“The AP Edge controller creates measurable value for our customers by empowering the controller owner with efficient tools to run their farms and businesses. Third-party integrations, strengthen our commitment to deliver production data anywhere the customer desires. To this end, we are enthusiastic about our integration with the EveryPig Animal Health platform.”

Paul Thornhill, Product Development Manager & Cloud Tech Development Team Lead, AGCO Corporation
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