Production & Team Management | Swine Management Interface Features
Your Command Center
With EveryPig, you’re able to manage and optimize your entire operation in one place, with no outside channels or third party products. And it’s all done seamlessly, right from your smartphone or computer.
Request Free DemoDigital Daily Checkups
Users in the field submit information daily using a mobile first web app, which means that you see up-to-date pig health information in real time.
Structured Health Data
Collect clean, structured health data including movement, mortality, symptom, and treatment data.
Photos & Videos
Users can easily upload barn-level photos and videos to the Daily Checkup for producers and veterinarians to check.
Right out of the box, EveryPig is ready to start collecting your data. Our platform runs right in the browser of almost any internet-connected device.
Advanced Source Tracking
With our advanced source tracking, including visuals, you’re able to track the full group flow from sow unit to a finisher.
Visit all of your farms every day—no traveling required
The Farmfeed® gives teams the context they need to make better decisions 24 hours a day. From historical data, to in-barn photos and videos, to vital communication—you’re empowered to optimize every part of your pork production operation, all from one simple platform.
Offline Mode
With offline mode, users can submit data even when they’re offline or in an area with poor cellular coverage.
Real-Time Updates
The data collected is available in real time, which means that you and your team will be able to spot issues faster than ever and respond before things get worse.
Customizable light automation means you’re in control
You have full control of what is displayed on the Farmfeed®. This means you’ll only see the most important issues happening in your system right now.
Connect to the services you already use
We know, EveryPig isn’t the only tool it takes to manage pork production. Our robust platform can save you time and minimize repetitive tasks by seamlessly integrating into tools you already use. Pull and send data for groups, farms and more—all within EveryPig!
Check-ins show you who’s been to what farm today
Check-ins allow users in the field to “Check in” on a farm. Check-ins are a valuable way to keep track of your workforce.
Track progress easily, spot problems quickly I
nsights give you a high-level view of the health and activity of your farms. Here you’ll find an asset map and critical analytics including inventory, daily mortally, farm compliance and symptoms present in your system.
Text alerts keep you informed of all health-related issues. Users can also “mention” other people associated with a farm, which triggers an email alert. You determine what frequency these messages hit your inbox.
@ Mentions
Users can “mention” other people associated with a farm on the Farmfeed. Mentioning another person triggers an email alert that informs users they’ve been mentioned.
Email alerts
Be alerted via email the moment a health-related issue presents itself in the system. You determine what frequency these messages hit your inbox.
Multi language support
We offer native French, Korean, Portugues (BR), Spanish (LA), Chinese (Mandarin), and Vietnamese language support. We also provide in-app Google Translate support, meaning you can have conversations with anyone in any language.
On-Time checkup compliance
The compliance of every active farm is tracked so users can see how consistently they submit Daily Checkups to EveryPig. Farm Compliance is a useful motivational tool for users in the field.
CSV exports
Export historical data to CSV files for easy sharing and printing.
Role-based access ensures control over who has access
EveryPig only shares information with the people who should see it. Our robust role system allows you to customize user roles just like in the field, so you can rest assured that your data is safe.

See How You Can Take Control of Your Production. Request Your Free Demo Today!
Request Free DemoVeterinary | EveryPig Software Platform Features
Artificial Intelligence
EveryPig’s artificial intelligence is your second set of eyes—always on the lookout for things you might have missed.
Learn more about artificial IntelligenceDrug efficacy tracking
Track the efficacy of any medication in your system. After a treatment has been reported the we poll the farm that reported the treatment to inquire about the efficacy of the medication administered.
Real-time health data means fast action and less driving
Use real-time data collected in the field to make fast diagnosis and treatment plans without having to make an on-site visit. Using the Farmfeed®, you’ll quickly triage issues and communicate with teammates, contractors, and customers. You’ll see healthier pigs, happier customers, and a more relaxed schedule.
Better data means better treatment
Use real-time data collected in the field to make fast diagnosis and treatment plans without having to make an on-site visit. Using the Farmfeed®, you’ll quickly triage issues and communicate with teammates, contractors, and customers. You’ll see healthier pigs, happier customers, and a more relaxed schedule.
Mortality predictions
Use real-time data collected in the field to make fast diagnosis and treatment plans without having to make an on-site visit. Using the Farmfeed®, you’ll quickly triage issues and communicate with teammates, contractors, and customers. You’ll see healthier pigs, happier customers, and a more relaxed schedule.
Treatment Suggestions
If probability suggests a group needs treatment, you’ll see a suggestion on the Farmfeed®. Also, as your team uploads images, the algorithms look for common patterns that correlate with known diseases.
Image-Based diagnosis suggestions
As your team uploads images, the algorithms look for common patterns that correlate with known diseases. Every day you’ll see diagnosis suggestions on your Farmfeed®. Your veterinary staff can use these suggestions to make informed treatment or mitigation decisions.
Diagnosis History
Store every diagnosis submitted by veterinarians straight to the group-level Digital Barn Sheet for easy access.
Track the efficacy of any medication in your system, log antibiotic usage trends, and keep an eye on water and temperature all through EveryPig.
Treatment tracking
Treatment data has long been difficult to keep track of, especially on a system level. With Digital Barn Sheets, your team has instant access to the most up-to-date treatment data at the farm and group levels.
Water usage tracking
Water usage is an important, if overlooked part of the pig-health equation. Our Digital Barn Sheets keep track of this essential data for you. What’s more, the data is automatically visualized for you.
Temperature tracking
Barn temperatures are an important part of the caregiving equation. That’s why high/low temperature tracking is now an option you can choose to activate on your account. When activated, the Daily Checkup will display a new section that requires users to record the high/low temperatures recorded for the day.
Photo & video gallery
When something goes wrong on the farm, visual evidence is key. All photos and videos uploaded to a group are stored on the group and farm level for 24 hour access.
Pig Movement Data
Every movement on and off a farm or group is stored on the Digital Barn Sheet for instant access. You’ll have important movement data at your fingertips 24 hours a day.