
3 Areas Your Pork Production Business is Losing Money, By Dr. C. Grace Elijah

For a production system, extra costs are something that can add up over time. You adopted processes over time, as your business grew. Some of these processes were using the best technology available at the time, but now these processes are dated; and likely costing your company major money.

Let’s take a look at some of the areas you could start saving your business money, today.

Paper and Printing Expenses

The first cost deals with printing and paper costs. If the primary way a production system enters data is by filling out paperwork at the site, that’s a lot of paper. This paperwork can also clutter up the barn office and unintentionally hide the most recent data log. With EveryPig, you don’t have to rely on paper data entry; you can input all of your production data electronically. By utilizing electronic software, you can cut paper costs because they aren’t needed anymore.

Employee Hours-Data Entry

The second cost to your production system comes after printing off data sheets: inputting the paper data into a digitized format. Before considering the manual input of data, we have to remember that sometimes the printed datasheet doesn’t make it to the software. Sometimes those papers are lost in transportation from site to site or site to home. Then with this type of setup, the data has to be entered manually at a later time. However, with EveryPig, your caregivers enter all pig health and treatment information into the app; once!

No more double, or triple entry of data in your organization.

How many hours would that save your business?

Wean to Finish Mortality  

Last but certainly not least comes the cost of wean to finish mortality in pork production companies.

When was the last time that you stopped to calculate what your business is losing in wean to finish costs each year?

Most companies haven’t significantly changed their processes in years, and digitizing your production on a platform like EveryPig is a low cost investment which will help lower yoru mortality costs.

If you use paper to evaluate your day-to-day mortalities or weekly treatments, you’re often looking at data that is old, sometimes more than a month old!

With EveryPig, managers see real-time information. Also, the site veterinarian can evaluate the data day-to-day and determine if a site visit is warranted. To improve production systems wean to finish mortalities, the data for the system needs to be time correctly inputted but also easy to access at a moment’s notice.

Paper data collection was the standard for production systems, and it worked pretty well in the 1970s, 80’s and 90’s, before better options existed. Now, software offers a much more streamlined solution –caregivers enter daily checkups with all the pig health and treatment information that your managers and veterinarians need to make informed decisions, in real-time.

Quicker recognition and response of pig health issues means less dead pigs, and more cost savings for your production system. It’s time to digitize your production data today and save money in the process.

Dr. C. Grace Elijah

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