Product Updates

August Release Notes: Group Closeout Performance Recognition

EveryPig Release Notes is our periodical update that highlights recent product enhancements we’ve made so you can easily stay up-to-date on what’s new.

It was another productive month at EveryPig—we just released more great features. We’re sure you’ll find something useful no matter what role you have in your organization.

Group Closeout Performance Recognition

Group closeout performance results let caregivers know they're doing a good job.

Caregivers and farm owners with the lowest group closeout mortality for the previous week in your system will now get an auto-generated congratulations message. Congratulations are visible on the Farmfeed, and the user receives messages letting them know if their accomplishment. Let the games begin, see who comes in first next week!

New Barn Profiles

New barn profiles mean managing barns has never been easier.

Now you can easily create and manage barns on a farm profile in the admin section. Along with a new and improved user interface, you can now reorder barns, giving you full control of the order they appear on the Daily Checkup. Lastly, you can now enter barn capacity on the new Barn Profile.

We’ve already updated your Farm Profiles to include this new approach to barn handling—Give it a try today!

Note: Only users with Admin roles have access to barn profiles.

Prairie Systems’ FAS integration gets even better

You now have more options than ever for what data you would like pushed and pulled to Prairie Systems’ FAS. You can update this information on the “Integrations” tab under “Preferences” on the Admin Panel.

Data pushed to FAS

  • Pig Placements
  • Transfers
  • Sales
  • Mortality Events
  • Est. Avg. Weight

Data pulled from FAS

  • Group Data
  • Feed Medications
  • Units Administered
  • Head Treated
  • Withdrawal Periods

Note: Only users with Admin roles have access to the FAS integration settings.

A Fresh, More Accessible “My Profile”

We’ve redesigned the “My Profile” screen to make it more accessible for mobile users. Finding and editing parts of your profile is now easier than ever.

As part of this update, you now have more ways to manage your avatar. Including the ability to crop, resize, flip, and straighten the avatar.

We improved the layout of the my profile page. This update makes managing your profile easier than ever.

Additional Notes: August

Farm Deletion Policy

  1. We limited the possibility of permanently deleting a farm to restrict the ability of accidentally erasing groups associated with it.
  2. Deleting a farm is now unavailable when it contains active groups

Language Updates

  1. We updated the Portugues (BR) language pack


  1. Fixed a bug that caused text not to display correctly in several locations in the app
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