Product Updates

September Release Notes: Custom Surveys Are Here

EveryPig Release Notes is our periodical update that highlights recent product enhancements we’ve made so you can easily stay up-to-date on what’s new.

This month we’ve completed work on some powerful new features aimed at data gathering and in-field compliance. Your company can take advantage of these tools today to save valuable time and resources. Read more below.

Custom Surveys give you the flexibility to create custom polls for your users

The custom survey allows your company to poll caregivers in the field daily, weekly or monthly.

Custom surveys allow admin users to set one-time or recurring survey questions that get published to the Daily Checkup.

Admin users can create surveys on the “Daily Checkup” tab found on the Preferences Admin menu. The survey can be delivered as part of the Daily Checkup daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. Surveys offer users the ability to gather simple Yes or No responses from users in the field. User answers are saved to the Barn Sheet for the group. This data allows systems to keep better records for compliance and regulators.

An example of a custom survey questions is:

  1. Did you check the fire alarm this month?: Y/N
  2. Did you check the generators this month?: Y/N
  3. Did you order feed before the Thanksgiving week?: Y/N

Read the how-to article

Weight-based Withdrawal Warnings with Auto Mentions are here to keep watch

We’ve heard many customers comment on the difficulty of tracking antibiotic withdrawal for market-ready pigs. “If only there were an alert when all or part of a market-ready group is still in a withdrawal period, it could save us a lot of worries,” lamented one customer.

“If only there were an alert when all or part of a market-ready group is still in a withdrawal period, it could save us a lot of worries”

— EveryPig user
The Farmfeed withdrawal warning helps ensure antibiotic compliance.

Starting today, you can set withdrawal weight thresholds; after which point, EveryPig will notify you if pigs in a group have yet to withdrawal from antibiotics. What’s more, you can set EveryPig to automatically mention specific users on the Farmfeed so that the messages get to the most critical people fast. These notifications ensure no pigs with antibiotic residue get mistakenly sent to market.

Read the how-to article

Additional Notes: September

Farm Deletion Policy

  1. We limited the possibility of permanently deleting a farm to restrict the ability of accidentally erasing groups associated with it.
  2. Deleting a farm is now unavailable when it contains active groups

Multi-Barn Handling

  1. Now you can easily create and manage barns on a farm profile in the admin section
  2. you can reorder barns so that they are listed in the correct order on the Daily Checkup
  3. You can now add barn capacity

Language Updates

  1. We updated the Portugues (BR) language pack


  1. Fixed a bug that caused text not to display correctly in several locations in the app
  2. Fixed a Farmfeed resizing issue

Video Playback

  1. Fixed a bug that prevented videos from playing properly when uploaded in portrait aspect ratio
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